#30. Thank you Luncheon by Jay Sadler for the food distribution efforts
#30. Thank you Luncheon by Jay Sadler for the food distribution efforts
#30. Thank you Luncheon by Jay Sadler for the food distribution efforts
# 30. Almuerzo de agradecimiento de Jay Sadler por los esfuerzos de distribución de alimentos.
OEPV Orquestra Escuela de Puerto Vallarta A.C. – Completed Painting, repairs and fan work.
#1. Senior Center Punta de Mita Repaired bathrooms, lights & fans, stove and general painting.
# 1. Senior Center Punta de Mita Reparación de baños, luces y ventiladores, estufa y pintura en general.
#1. School in Volcanoes - Money invested: $11,664 Pesos Repairs: Repair of desks and modification in paint and material. 80 boards were purchased, made of wood, which were varnished, painted, and installed with screws.
# 1. Escuela en Volcanes - Dinero invertido: $11,664 Pesos Reparaciones: Reparación de pupitres y modificación en pintura y material. Se compraron 80 tableros, de madera, los cuales fueron barnizados, pintados y atornillados.
#2. Vista Hermosa - Money invested: $ 30,572 Pesos Work: Cyclone fence, welding, playground painting, and table installation.
# 2. Vista Hermosa - Dinero invertido: $ 30,572 Pesos Trabajo: Cerco ciclónico, soldadura, pintura de juegos e instalación de mesas.
#3. Heroes of the Homeland School - Money invested: $25,000 Pesos Work: Library and surrounding painting, waterproofing, water discharge pipes, and gutters.