Delivering Hope to
Less Fortunate Children

Toys for Tots Puerto Vallarta

Toys For Tots has been in Puerto Vallarta for over 20 years. Started in Puerto Vallarta by the Navy League and this past year The Jay Sadler Project A.C. has taken it on.

The Jay Sadler Project A.C. Toys for Tots program in mid-January 2023 successfully distributed over 4,000 toys to various Kindergartens from Lo de Marcos, San Sebastian, Cabo Corrientes, and one boat leaving from Boca de Tomatlan to Quimixto and finally Puerto Vallarta.

Thanks to the Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa, Vista Vallarta Golf Club, Puerto Vallarta Chili Cook-Off, Private donations, and Captain Peter Vine @

Toys Distribution was prepared and distributed with the help of many volunteers – Friends, Family, Nacho Daddy, Widows & Sons and International Friendship Club, and our Distribution Committee Donna Wong, Linda Vasquez, and Laura Torres.


You can be a part of a great cause and make a difference in the lives of children in your community.

Bring Joy

Your donation can bring joy to a child who may not otherwise receive a gift during the holiday season.

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You can email us, call us or simply go online and donate with PayPal, help us to bring some hope to the kids.

Contact us and help us to make them happy



